Carbon Utility wins J-BRIDGE Innovation Challenge

Hosted by Elpis Labs and the Japanese External Trade Organization (JETRO) the J-BRIDGE Innovation Challenge featured (3) verticals including Mobility, Materials and E-Commerce. Carbon Utility was selected as the winning team for the Materials challenge after presenting a compelling proposal to accelerate SANYO Chemicals ability to meet their CO2 emissions reduction target by 2030.

Our proposed solution included not only the issuance of high-quality carbon removal credits (CRC’s) but included on-site utilization of green H2 for low emission power generation and a partnership to explore specialty chemical production and distribution utilizing Carbon Utility’s existing technology platform.


Celebrating Success at the J-Bridge Innovation Challenge!🌍
Mobility with AITRIOS by SONY Semiconductors,
Materials with SANYO Chemicals,
E-Commerce with AUCNET .
🏆 The winners are:

- E-commerce/logistics: V-Art
- Mobility: Roadly, Inc.
- Materials: Carbon Utility

Your groundbreaking solutions have not only won the challenge but also promise to redefine our industries. Your hard work and innovation are inspiring, pointing the way to a bright and transformative future. Well done!


Carbon Utility Wins the 2022 Future of Energy Challenge