Carbon Utility Wins the 2022 Future of Energy Challenge

Net Impact is excited to announce that Carbon Utility has won the 2022 Future of Energy Challenge!

In partnership with Shell Gamechanger, now in its fifth year, the Challenge invites participants to share creative and actionable social impact enterprises that will shape our path to a more sustainable energy future. 

This year's participating teams were asked to focus on how we can broadly reduce emissions within the energy sector to help transition us to a more sustainable energy future. In June, five semi-finalist teams were selected to participate in an eight-week accelerator run by Rodrigo Gallego, founder of Social Chain, where they gained the connections, mentorship, and tools needed to develop their solution into a successful, scalable enterprise. The challenge culminated in a pitch event where the teams pitched their business solution to a panel of expert judges and competed for $10,000 to fund the further development of their business. 

Carbon Utility, led by Jay Foster with Steve Miller, Steve Atkins, and Professor Tony Marmont, was selected as the winner of the 2022 Future of Energy Challenge for their innovative solution to harness direct air capture (DAC) technology to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and reuse it to create low-carbon products. DAC technology isn't new, but it is an integral part of the equation to reach the Paris Agreement's goal to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. Carbon Utility takes DAC technology to the next level by making it modular, mobile, and globally accessible. They then repurpose the carbon captured from the atmosphere and use it to displace the carbon that we currently use in key carbon-emitting industries like food and beverage production. The result is a product that has the potential to displace 250 million tons of carbon dioxide that is generated every year (equivalent to taking 49.3 million cars off the road for a whole year) and replace them with carbon negative CO2, ultimately taking us one step closer to a sustainable energy future. 

Read more here: Carbon Utility Wins the 2022 Future of Energy Challenge | Net Impact


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